Feb 17, 2009

all time favorite video games 24-22

Today is a bit of a bittersweet entry. I haven't been productive the last two days, and after working out at the gym today for just shy of two hours, I either overexerted myself or weakened my system for a possible stomach flu. I am dizzy, and am having difficulty concentrating. I sadly am going to miss work tonight as well. None of this is particularly bad, but the fact that my parents are coming up in less than 72 hours is certainly alarming. I don't want to be healthy for a year and a half and then get sick when I have people staying with me for the UP 200. Sigh. Doesn't life always seem to work out that way? Anyway, on to the list...

24. Mario Kart Wii (WII)
Our first entry by the vaunted Mario Kart series comes in at number 24. Mario Kart Wii has everything going for it: The best online play any Nintendo console game has had yet, the biggest selection of drivers and cart and bikes ever, and best of all, 32 race tracks before mirror mode. Mario Kart also has the option to play battle mode, again with more boards than ever before. You can now use a steering wheel in addition to the many other ways to play. Why does this game rank so low on the list then? Why is it not even the top Mario Kart game? Two reasons. One, The game hasn't been out that long compared to the others. And two, I haven't had a group of friends that defines the game with me. The online application is a nice touch, and I love racing against people worldwide, but at this point it doesn't match the face to face split screen stuff of lore.

23. WCW/nWo Revenge (N64)
Wrestling games have always occupied a special place in my heart, but that sadly was when I watched wresting. I haven't watched in many years, and I don't play these games anymore. This one was always the pinnacle though, the nWo was hot, WCW was doing well, and the game had an amazing engine. I used to play this with the guys all the time. With dozens and dozens of wrestlers to choose from big shots like Sting and Hulk Hogan to little dudes like Chris Jericho and La Parka, you could play as almost anyone. The mechanics of the game and fluidity of motion always made me prefer this to the games the WWF was putting out at that time. Fun story: One time I played a 60 minute wrestling match in tag teams against Brett. I can't remember who the other two people playing were, but I can tell that when I pinned him with seconds to go Brett pulled a Brett and not so casually tossed the controller against the wall! Good times, good times. Maybe someday I'll do an entry on Brett, a dice, and a certain window on Drummond Island--then again maybe he wouldn't like that! Just teasing ya, Brett!

22. Metroid (NES)
True story. After Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, the first game my parents bought for our new NES was Metroid. It was purchased from Fisher Big Wheel in Alpena and provided me hours of entertainment. Metroid is not an easy game. The fact that you could--wait for it--walk in either direction, left or right, allowed a freedom that Super Mario Bros. could only dream of. Finding all the missile expansions and the energy tanks provided hours of joy. Making it though Tourain was hard, especially the last sequence of barriers and the Mother Brain. But surprise! You still had to fight Metroids and get out of the exploding area by a series of jumps versus the timed detonation. I confess I never did the "Samus-is-really-a-girl" time required to learn the shocking secret. But I do love that code (JUSTIN BAILEY 000000 000000).

UP NEXT: Sports, tournament combat, and a shooter! Or Olympic action, world warriors, and a pseudo-sequel (the most famous in history) any guesses?! And with that...I'm heading to bed.


Anonymous said...

Didn't Matt Heinzel once beat Brett at that and something like that happened as well... Not sure, but it seems like it...

Brett Schalk said...

What are you getting at here? There's no pattern to this. It's not like I kick basketballs or throw granola bars...Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

Or smash frozen 2-liters with a baseball bat... if I'm remembering that correctly... good times! Seriously, the wrestling PPV/N64 (Goldeneye, WCW Wrestling games, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart, etc.)/Overpower parties are the greatest memories from high school - other than Robin Hood, that is!

Cody said...

Could not agree more, Chad. They were and always will be such a positive reminder of how good of friends we had in high school. I am sure that those time will never be beat. I know for sure that they can't be dulicated...