Feb 9, 2009

working out at the PEIF

So one of my New Year's resolutions was again diet and exercise (as it is pretty much every year). My pledge was to go to the gym three times a week (at least) and to eat little to no snacks and give up pop except for a glass a week.

I started this on December 28th or so and have been really good at it. Only this past week did I start to have more than one pop a week and I still have cut way back on snacks from where I was, but the real impressive part has been the exercise. I haven't missed once. Not once. I started running at 4.5 miles per hour for 15 minutes and soon improved. Today, I'm proud to say that I did 7.5 for 8 minutes (one mile), the did a minute of 8.0, three minutes of 7.5, another minute of 8.0, and then started my cool down time. I've almost doubled my speed! Can you believe it!? And I feel much better than when I started also. My arms are growing from my barbell and bench press exercises, and my back, legs and stomach are getting a good workout too. My goal was to get down to 210--so far I've lost almost five pounds and weigh in day is on Tuesday again! Here's to me continuing!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, sir. I'm kind of mad that I haven't had time to work out since Thursday, and likely won't until Tuesday. It's amazing how once you start to get in the habit, you actually look forward to it. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Cody said...

It is scary--but you're right! You keep it up also!

Anonymous said...


Cody said...

Thanks, Captain Anonymous!